A group of people dancing


CSP Dance Studio

Patti Smith5505 Osuna Rd Suite JAlbuquerque NM 87109 Phone: 505-8839521Website: www.cspdancestudios.com back to list

Darrin Visarraga

Free Salsa classes @  Los Alamos and Santa Fe, Every Monday Night, except holidaysTime: 7pm ~ 10:30 pm / All-ages venue until 10pm. Phone: 209 – 923 – 3905 Website: nnmsalsa.synthasite.com back to list

Sarita’s Streng

Casino and Rueda de Casino , Cuban Son, Waltz and Ballroom Rumba classes. Phone: 505-288-8713Email: saritastreng@yahoo.com back to list

Susan Kellog

Following the variety dance class, Swing, Country, Ballroom, Latin, Night Club, Hustle, Argentine Tango, Salsa & More. Phone: 505-299-3737Email: glkello@nmia.com back to list

Ziggy Garcia

Join the Ultimate Salsa Dance class,Bachata  & More Phone:915-422-8853 Email: ziggygarcia@gmail.com back to list